Introduction to PAGB


When is it?

Tuesday 8 October, 11am – 1pm

Where is it?

Our events are either held in person at PAGB’s London offices or as hybrid events with the option to join via Microsoft Teams.

Learn. Network. Meet the team.

New to PAGB? Find out how to make the most of membership. An exclusive event for PAGB members.

All members are encouraged to attend one of our Introduction to PAGB events in 2024, designed for companies or members in your teams who’ve recently joined and for anyone wanting a refresher on what PAGB offers to members.

You’ll get to meet the PAGB staff and find out about the services PAGB provides and how we can help support you in your day-to-day activities, discuss how to make the most of your membership and we’ll get to meet you and answer any questions you have.

  • Wednesday 24 April 2024, 11am – 1pm. This event will be held in person at PAGB’s offices, with a networking lunch for attendees.
  • Tuesday 8 October, 11am – 1pm. This will be a hybrid event with the option to attend in person or via Microsoft Teams, with a networking lunch for members attending in person.

To reserve your place(s), please email the names and email addresses of those from your company who would like to attend to

Please note this is for PAGB members and associate members only. Find out more about membership and join today here.

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